Black Surinam Cherry

Black Surinam Cherry Plant

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Black Surinam Cherry Plant

Welcome to Rudra Agro Nursery – Your Premier Black Surinam Cherry Plant Manufacturer and Supplier in Pune, Maharashtra, India

Rudra Agro Nursery takes pride in being a distinguished manufacturer and supplier of premium-quality Black Surinam Cherry Plants in Pune, Maharashtra, India. With a commitment to excellence, we specialize in offering superior-grade plants that cater to the varied needs of our esteemed customers.

Our Black Surinam Cherry Plants

The Black Surinam Cherry is the most widely known of the edible-fruited Eugenia species, because of its great adaptability. The shrub or tree, to 25 ft (7.5 m) high, has slender, spreading branches and resinously aromatic foliage. The opposite leaves, bronze when young, are deep-green and glossy when mature; turn red in cold, dry winter weather.

They are ovate to ovate-lanceolate, blunt- to sharp-pointed, 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 in (4-6.25 cm) long. Long-stalked flowers, borne singly or as many as 4 together in the leaf axils, have 4 delicate, recurved, white petals and a tuft of 50 to 60 prominent white stamens with pale-yellow anthers.

The 7- to 8-ribbed fruit, oblate, 3/4 to 1 1/2 in (2-4 cm) wide, turns from green to orange as it develops and, when mature, bright-red to deep-scarlet or dark, purplish maroon (“black”) when fully ripe.

The skin is thin, the flesh orange-red, melting and very juicy; acid to sweet, with a touch of resin and slight bitterness. There may be 1 fairly large, round seed or 2 or 3 smaller seeds each with a flattened side, more or less attached to the flesh by a few slender fibers.

Connect With Us

Experience the excellence of Black Surinam Cherry Plants with Rudra Agro Nursery, the trusted Manufacturer and Supplier in Pune, Maharashtra, India. Whether you're a homeowner, farmer, or business seeking premium Black Surinam Cherry Plants, we are here to fulfill your needs. Contact us today to discuss your requirements, and our dedicated team will assist you promptly.